Frequently asked questions

How can I obtain information about a specific product?

In order to identify your Hennessy bottles, we invite you to complete our contact us form with your query and the batch number of your bottle (such number is printed on the back label and starts with a “L” followed by 12 digits)

Please click on the link below to access our contact us form: https://www.hennessy.com/en-int/form/contact

How to keep a Hennessy cognac?

A bottle of cognac, unlike wine, should always be kept upright, be it opened or unopened. The reason for a bottle of cognac to be kept upright is that the eventual contact with the cork is likely to affect the cognac. The ageing process of cognac stops the moment it is transferred out of the wooden casks and into the bottle.

Store your bottle in a dark place and also, keep your bottle at room temperature, avoiding extremes of heat and cold. A bottle of cognac can be kept in such conditions for many years without suffering any alteration in the quality of its contents. The content of an old bottle of cognac, which has been resting untouched for many years, will likely be of the same quality as the day it was bottled, as long as the bottle was kept upright. You must be careful upon opening the bottle, in order not to deteriorate the cork.

How to drink Hennessy cognac?

There is just one rule for drinking cognac: drink it the way you want.

Hennessy cognac is crafted with a set of strict standards defined by the master blender and his tasting committee. However, when it comes to enjoying cognac, we haven't followed any rule to drink it since 1765.

Hennessy recommends that a special glass be used to serve its cognacs: the one you want !

We do not have a preference for a particular type (tulip, tumbler...)

There is not one way only to enjoy a Hennessy cognac.

Our cognacs can be served neat, over ice , diluted with a bit of water or they can be used in cocktails. When enjoyed with ice, their identity is strong enough to withstand dilution and therefore maintain its character as well as its rich flavours; the same is true for Hennessy cognacs mixed in cocktails.

Please drink responsibly.

How to know the value of an old bottle or flask?

As you may already know, cognac ages in oak casks only, not in bottle as it is the case for wines and champagnes.

Therefore, the value of your bottle is linked to its rarity (if there is only a small number of this bottle in the world), rather than to the aging of the cognac inside.

The price for the ranges that are no longer produced by Hennessy is determined in an exchange market of collectors.

We suggest that you contact some Collectors of Hennessy bottles to estimate the value of this bottle.

Where can I find the nutritional values for cognacs ?

Please find below a link where you can find the nutritional values for cognacs: http://www.cognac.fr/cognac/info-calories.html?&src=colonne#en

Does Hennessy cognac contain allergenic substances ?

We certify that our product does not contain any allergenic substance as defined by annex II of Regulation (EU) n°1169/2011 of 25 october 2011.

Where should I send my internship or job application? 

We invite you to send us your resume and application letter to recrutementhennessy@moethennessy.com

Our Human Resources department will carefully review them.