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The art of entertaining

The storied Hennessy estate has hosted many VIP guests, entertaining them with the French art de vivre for which the Maison is known.

The art of entertaining

The art of entertaining is a family tradition at Maison Hennessy, as anyone who has attended an intimate dinner at the Château de Bagnolet can attest. Built on the banks of the Charente River in Cognac, in 1810, and surrounded by seven acres of grounds, the former Hennessy family estate and its sumptuous decor inspired by travel, symbolize the art de vivre for which the Maison is renowned, immersing guests in a multi-sensory journey through its heritage and savoir-faire. Internationally inspired menus featuring local products from neighboring terroirs take pride of place at receptions for VIP friends of the House from all over the world.

Art of hospitality


軒尼詩百樂廷皇禧干邑是軒尼詩系列中的珍寶。精緻的陳年滋味前所未見,象徵篩選藝術的巔峰,亦是費爾沃家族八代釀酒大師不懈追求卓越的成果。 在一次生命之水的收成中,能夠用於這款佳釀的可說是寥寥無幾:比率約為萬分之十。發掘和孕育如此精細的滋味,需要有深厚的專業知識和才華。 透過釀酒大師的專業知識,釐定正確的陳年條件,將優質的生命之水孕育至極致優雅——達致巔峰、獲選用以調配佳釀的一刻。

