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Crystal Visions

The Exclusive Hennessy Paradis Imperial Decanter by Arik Levy ​


At Maison Hennessy, the Art of Selection is not just the secret behind Hennessy Paradis Imperial — its jewel-in-the-crown blend —it echoes in collaborations with internationally acclaimed artists and designers. In the cut crystal decanter designed by Arik Levy specially for Hennessy Paradis Imperial, precision meets contemporary design genius.
Known for its rare blend of unprecedented attributes, Hennessy Paradis Imperial has a light color that attests to the alliance of age and finesse. It is the apogee of a highly meticulous, constant quest. ​


Building on techniques honed continuously by the Fillioux family of Master Blenders for more than 200 years, Hennessy’s 8th-generation Master Blender, Renaud Fillioux de Gironde, today leads the Tasting Committee in discerning which eaux-de-vie might one day become a part of the House’s rarest blend.


Only 10 out of 10,000 eaux-de-vie from any given harvest have that potential. To confirm their promise, these eaux-de-vie must first mature slowly in aged oak barrels that allow them to preserve all their finesse. With time-honored savoir-faire, the Tasting Committee detects the slightest inflection until the precise moment the elixirs have attained peak elegance. ​ ​


This delicate, fleeting and decisive process inspired a unique, multifaceted decanter designed by Arik Levy for Hennessy Paradis Impérial, featuring four layers of hand-painted precious metal applied to flawless crystal, 23 exact-cut facets, and 16 hand-cut curves on the stopper. ​


Crafted in collaboration with master crystal cutters, this striking piece displays a captivating interplay of curves, inflections and contours. Hand-carved, polished and crafted elements nod discreetly to the oak wood barrels in Hennessy’s Founder’s Cellar and the copper alembics used to distill eaux-de-vie. Depending on one’s vantage point, the decanter seems to magically shift in the light, as does the pale amber elixir within. ​
As a finishing touch, this exceptional decanter is encased in a coffret lined with 18 mirrors that create infinite reflections of a Hennessy masterpiece.


軒尼詩百樂廷皇禧干邑是軒尼詩系列中的珍寶。精緻的陳年滋味前所未見,象徵篩選藝術的巔峰,亦是費爾沃家族八代釀酒大師不懈追求卓越的成果。 在一次生命之水的收成中,能夠用於這款佳釀的可說是寥寥無幾:比率約為萬分之十。發掘和孕育如此精細的滋味,需要有深厚的專業知識和才華。 透過釀酒大師的專業知識,釐定正確的陳年條件,將優質的生命之水孕育至極致優雅——達致巔峰、獲選用以調配佳釀的一刻。

