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Victoria Song and Yiwei Zhou Visit the Hennessy Estate

2019年的干邑節上,萬眾矚目的巴格諾萊古堡(Château de Bagnolet )和軒尼詩世家有幸邀請到中國最耀眼的兩位明星——宋茜和周一圍。兩位頂級演員在干邑鎮拍攝「解密」的預告片,這是一項向中國消費者介紹干邑的軒尼詩大師班式活動,他們並獲邀參觀軒尼詩檔案館、葡萄園、釀酒廠和創始人酒窖。兩人並參加了由軒尼詩家族第8代成員羅氏·軒尼詩(Roch Hennessy)主持的品酒會,以了解更多關於生命之水的陳釀方式並欣賞軒尼詩系列最稀有的干邑。這段經歷給兩位演員留下了深刻印象,他們的視頻網誌吸引了數以百萬的觀看次數。

Victoria Song & Yiwei Zhou at Cognac

Victoria Song and Yiwei Zhou Visit the Hennessy Estate

Victoria Song in Hennessy's cellar

Victoria Song and Yiwei Zhou Visit the Hennessy Estate

Yiwei Zhou in Hennessy's cellar

Victoria Song and Yiwei Zhou Visit the Hennessy Estate

Victoria Song in Hennessy's cellar

Victoria Song and Yiwei Zhou Visit the Hennessy Estate

Yiwei Zhou in tasting room

那天晚上,他們在軒尼詩家族的古老莊園巴格諾萊古堡參加了私人晚宴,在那裡他們受到了軒尼詩第八代釀酒大師雷諾·費爾沃·紀朗德(Renaud Fillioux de Gironde)和軒尼詩總裁兼董事總經理Bernard Peillon的歡迎。在軒尼詩,熱情好客的藝術是一項由來已久的傳統。這座軒尼詩家族莊園於1810年建造,位於干邑夏朗德河畔(Charente River),周圍環繞著7英畝的土地,華麗的裝飾以旅行為靈感。巴格諾萊古堡象徵世家聞名的生活藝術,每每讓賓客沉醉在其傳統和精湛技藝的多感官之旅。

Victoria Song & Yiwei Zhou at Cognac

Victoria Song and Yiwei Zhou Visit the Hennessy Estate

Victoria Song in vineyard

Victoria Song and Yiwei Zhou Visit the Hennessy Estate

Yiwei Zhou in vineyard

Victoria Song and Yiwei Zhou Visit the Hennessy Estate

Victoria Song at the Château de Bagnolet

Victoria Song and Yiwei Zhou Visit the Hennessy Estate

Yiwei Zhou at the Château de Bagnolet



